
The rise of the gig economy has disrupted traditional workforce models around the world. In Australia, the gig economy is rapidly growing, with increased people choosing flexible work arrangements over traditional employment. In this article, we will examine the rise of the gig economy in Australia, the reasons behind it, and its impact on the traditional workforce model.

According to a report by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the gig economy is rapidly growing in Australia. The report shows that the number of people engaged in the gig economy increased by at least 34% between 2014 and 2022. The ABS defines the gig economy as "a labour market characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs."


The rise of the gig economy in Australia is being driven by several factors, including:


The rise of digital platforms such as Uber, Deliveroo, and Airtasker has made it easier for people to find and engage in gig work.


Many people are choosing to work in the gig economy because it offers more flexibility than traditional employment. Gig workers can choose when and where they work, and they can often work from home.

Economic Uncertainty

The global fiscal crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic have led to economic uncertainty, which has encouraged more people to seek out gig work to supplement their income.


Impact on Traditional Workforce Model

The rise of the gig economy is having a significant impact on the traditional workforce model in Australia. Some of the key impacts include:

Job Security

The gig economy offers little job security compared to traditional employment. Gig workers are often employed on a contract basis and can be let go at any time.


Gig workers often earn less than traditional employees. According to the ABS, the median weekly earnings for gig workers in 2019 was $467, compared to $1,100 for employees.


Gig workers do not receive the same benefits as traditional employees, such as sick leave, annual leave, and superannuation.

Working Conditions

Gig workers often work long hours and have little control over their working conditions. They may also be required to work irregular hours, including nights and weekends.


The taxation of gig workers is often complex, with many gig workers unsure of their tax obligations. This can lead to underpayment of taxes, which can have significant consequences.


Policy Responses

The rise of the gig economy has led to calls for policy responses to address some of the issues raised above. Some of the policy responses being considered in Australia include:


Calls have been made for greater regulation of the gig economy to ensure that gig workers are not exploited and are paid fairly. This could include measures such as minimum wage requirements and greater protections for gig workers.


There have been calls for the taxation of gig workers to be simplified, to ensure that they are paying their fair share of taxes.


There have been calls for gig workers to receive the same benefits as traditional employees, such as sick leave, annual leave, and superannuation.


There have been calls for greater education for gig workers on their rights and obligations, including their tax obligations.

The rise of the gig economy in Australia is having a significant impact on the traditional workforce model. While the gig economy offers flexibility and opportunities for many people, it also raises concerns about job security, wages, benefits, working conditions, and taxation. It is important for policymakers to address these issues to ensure that gig workers are not exploited and that they are paid fairly. In the coming years, it is projected that the gig economy is likely to continue to grow.


About Northbridge

In 2010, Northbridge came to life with a vision to revolutionise workforce solutions in Australia, inspiring transformative growth in the ever-evolving recruitment industry. Our mission was clear - to be the spark that ignites profound change for all our stakeholders.

Our foundation is built upon the pillars of diversity and collaboration, recognising them as the cornerstones of success. We've cultivated a profound understanding that paves the way for transformative journeys for all stakeholders and ensures the fulfillment of our purpose. Quality is at our core, responsiveness to your needs is our commitment, and we empathize with your motivations, no matter the context in which you find yourself today. Our organisation revolves around a set of unwavering values - passion, inclusivity, and evolution.

Our solutions cover Permanent Recruitment, Contract, SOW and Temporary Staffing, Labour Agreement - On-Hire, Payroll Management, and IT On-Demand.

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