
Employee engagement and retention have always been critical for any organization's success. However, with the shift towards remote work in Australia due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become even more crucial to keep prominent levels of employee engagement and retention.

According to a survey conducted by PwC, 91% of Australian workers prefer a hybrid working model that allows them to work remotely and in the office. This shows that remote work is here to stay, and organizations need to adapt to this new way of working to keep their employees.


Clear Communication

Clear communication is crucial for remote teams to stay connected and engaged. Organizations need to communicate often and transparently with their employees to keep them informed about the company's goals, plans, and challenges.

According to a study by Buffer, 20% of remote workers cite communication as their biggest challenge. One way to ensure clear communication is by setting up regular virtual meetings with team members. This can include daily check-ins, weekly team meetings, or monthly one-on-one meetings. These meetings supply an opportunity for employees to share their progress, ask questions, and discuss any concerns.

Supply Adequate Training and Development Opportunities

Remote work can be challenging for employees who are used to working in a traditional office setting. They may face difficulties in adjusting to the new work environment, managing their time, and staying productive.

Organisations can supply training and development opportunities to help employees develop the skills they need to succeed in a remote work environment. This can include virtual training sessions on time management, productivity, and communication skills.

According to a study by LinkedIn, 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development.


Offer Flexibility

One of the main benefits of remote work is flexibility. Employees appreciate the ability to work from home, choose their working hours, and avoid the daily commute. Organizations can keep their employees by offering flexible work arrangements that suit their needs.

For example, some employees may prefer to work early in the morning, while others may be more productive in the afternoon or evening. By allowing employees to choose their working hours, organizations can help them keep a healthy work-life balance, which is crucial for employee engagement and retention.

According to a study by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 56% of employed Australians worked from home at least once a week during the pandemic.

Recognise and Reward Employees

Employee recognition and rewards are crucial for employee engagement and retention. In a remote work environment, it can be challenging to recognize employees' contributions and achievements, but it is essential to do so.

Organisations can recognize and reward employees through virtual channels, such as email, video conferencing, or social media. This can include employee of the month awards, bonuses, or gift cards.

A study by Gallup found that employees who receive recognition are more engaged and productive than those who do not.


Foster a Positive Company Culture

A positive company culture is crucial for employee engagement and retention. In a remote work environment, it can be challenging to foster a positive culture, but it is possible.

Organisations can foster a positive company culture by encouraging employee feedback, supplying opportunities for socialization, and promoting work-life balance. For example, virtual team-building activities, such as online games or trivia, can help employees feel connected and engaged.

Support Technological Innovation

Technology plays a critical role in supporting remote work. Companies need to provide their employees with the necessary hardware and software to perform their job functions. This includes laptops, internet connections, and collaboration tools.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of technology in remote work. According to a survey by PwC, 55% of Australian CEOs plan to accelerate digital transformation in response to the pandemic.


Employee engagement and retention are crucial for any organization's success, especially in a remote work environment. By implementing strategies such as clear communication, adequate training, flexibility, employee recognition, and fostering a positive company culture, organizations can keep their employees and support prominent levels of engagement in a remote work environment.


About Northbridge

In 2010, Northbridge came to life with a vision to revolutionise workforce solutions in Australia, inspiring transformative growth in the ever-evolving recruitment industry. Our mission was clear - to be the spark that ignites profound change for all our stakeholders.

Our foundation is built upon the pillars of diversity and collaboration, recognising them as the cornerstones of success. We've cultivated a profound understanding that paves the way for transformative journeys for all stakeholders and ensures the fulfillment of our purpose. Quality is at our core, responsiveness to your needs is our commitment, and we empathize with your motivations, no matter the context in which you find yourself today. Our organisation revolves around a set of unwavering values - passion, inclusivity, and evolution.

Our solutions cover Permanent Recruitment, Contract, SOW and Temporary Staffing, Labour Agreement - On-Hire, Payroll Management, and IT On-Demand.

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